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How to Answer a Summons for Debt Collection in Louisiana (2024 Guide)

George Simons | June 29, 2024

George Simons
Co-Founder of SoloSuit
George Simons, JD/MBA

George Simons is the co-founder and CEO of SoloSuit. He has helped Americans protect over $1 billion from predatory debt lawsuits. George graduated from BYU Law school in 2020 with a JD-MBA. In his spare time, George likes to cook, because he likes to eat.

Edited by Hannah Locklear

Hannah Locklear
Editor at SoloSuit
Hannah Locklear, BA

Hannah Locklear is SoloSuit’s Marketing and Impact Manager. With an educational background in Linguistics, Spanish, and International Development from Brigham Young University, Hannah has also worked as a legal support specialist for several years.

Summary: If you've been sued for a debt you owe in Louisiana, you must respond to the lawsuit before the deadline which is 15-30 days, depending on how you were served. To respond, draft and file an Answer document in the court case and send a copy to the opposing lawyer. You can use SoloSuit's Answer form to make your response in minutes.

We understand being sued for a debt is a traumatic experience. However, there is a good chance you will emerge from this predicament without paying the entirety – or possibly any – of the alleged money owed as detailed in the Complaint. Furthermore, those pesky debt collections calls from collections agencies will finally come to an end. Keep reading to find out how to properly respond to your Louisiana debt collection lawsuit through a formal Answer and protect your legal rights as detailed in the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA).

Respond to a Summons in Louisiana.

Sued for debt in Louisiana? SoloSuit can help you file an Answer into your case before the deadline.

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A debt lawsuit can be a new beginning

If you are served with a Summons and Complaint for an allegedly unpaid debt, do not lose hope. A good response can help you win the lawsuit and protect your financial well-being. The steps you take after being served with the Summons and Complaint are of the utmost importance. The worst thing you can do is nothing at all.

Below, we provide a helpful guide for Louisiana residents served with a Summons and Complaint for a supposedly unpaid debt, be it a credit card debt, a student loan, a medical bill or another line of credit. We'll cover everything you should know about how to respond to a Louisiana debt collection lawsuit, including deadlines, forms, and fees.

Table of Contents

File an Answer before the Louisiana deadline

The deadline to respond to a Louisiana Summons for debt is 15, 21, or 30 days, depending on how the Summons was served.

Typically, the deadline to respond to your Louisiana case is outlined in the Summons, which is formally known as a Petition in Louisiana. Some Petitions will give a specific deadline, while others will give a range of dates for the deadline, as seen in the real example below:

So, you might see something like this when you're trying to figure out the deadline to respond in Louisiana:

Article 1001 of the Louisiana Code of Civil Procedure states:
  • A defendant shall file his answer within twenty-one (21) days after service of Citation upon him, except as otherwise provided by law.
  • If the plaintiff files and serves a Discovery Request with his Petition, the defendant shall file his answer to the petition within thirty (30) days after service of Citation and service of Discovery Request.
  • When an Exception is filed prior to Answer and is overruled or referred to the merits or is sustained and an Amendment of the Petition ordered, the Answer shall be filed within fifteen (15) days after the exception is overruled or referred to the merits, or fifteen (15) days after service of the Amended Petition
  • The Court may grant additional time for answering.

Louisiana residents served with a debt collection Summons and Complaint are required to file an official Answer with the court within the deadline, and as you can see from the example above, Louisiana courts may be flexible with the deadline. Just be sure to communicate with the court clerks if you need more time.

Even if you simply respond with a one sentence written Answer such as “I deny ownership of the debt referenced in the Summons and Complaint” it will be filed with the court as an official Answer, preventing the worst possible scenario of a court-issued default judgment.

Failure to provide a formal Answer to the court and opposing counsel before the deadline will trigger the plaintiff's attorney to file a Motion for Default judgment with the court. A Motion for Default Judgment is a document that says you should lose automatically because you didn't even respond to the case: it's like forfeiting a basketball game because you didn't show up. In pretty much every case, the judge will grant the default judgment.

The Answer sets the stage for success

The aim of responding to the Summons and Complaint with a formal Answer is to get the judge to grant a Motion to Dismiss for you, or to get the other side to settle the debt. It is also possible a well-crafted Answer may get the judge to grant a Motion for Summary Judgment for you.

Ideally, the Motion to Dismiss will be “With Prejudice” as opposed to “Without Prejudice.” The term “With Prejudice” means you can't be sued for the debt again. Alternatively, if the judge grants the Motion to Dismiss Without Prejudice, it is possible for the plaintiff to bring the matter back to court in subsequent months or years, keeping the door open for a court decision that would make you lose.

Use a form to make your Answer

Louisiana does not have an official Answer form for debtors to respond to the Summons through a common template. SoloSuit's Answer form is accepted by courts throughout Louisiana and takes minutes to complete online; we will even have it reviewed by an attorney and filed for you.

You can also make and mail your own Answer. Just be sure to send a copy of your Answer to the court and opposing attorney through the United States Postal Service's Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested mail option. This way, you will have tangible proof that your Answer was received by opposing counsel as well as the court.

Be sure to make a copy of the postal receipts that prove delivery occurred. After all, it is possible the receipts will fade over time. There is also a chance you will spill something on them or misplace them. Make copies and you will have proof in your records that show your Answer was delivered.

Pay a fee to file your Answer

In Lousiana, many courts charge a filing fee, but there isn't a uniform fee schedule throughout the state. You'll have to contact the court clerk to determine how much it costs to file any documents into your case, including the Answer. In our experience, the Answer filing fee ususally isn't very expensive (usually ranging from $10-$20).

Follow these steps to respond to a debt lawsuit in Louisiana

The first step the creditor takes in a debt collection lawsuit is to serve you, the alleged debtor, with two legal documents detailing the supposed unpaid debt. These documents are referred to as the Summons and Complaint. Louisiana debt collection laws require you to respond to Summons and Complaint by filing a formal Answer with the court in 15 days. If you fail to respond in this time frame, you will likely lose your case as the missed deadline triggers a default judgment in favor of the plaintiff (the creditor).

If you miss the deadline, it is possible the judge will reconsider your case if you file a Motion to Set Aside Judgment, but don't count on it. Don't wallow in self-misery after you are served with a debt collection Summons and Complaint. Instead, acknowledge this reality by getting right to work on creating your formal Answer. Send the Answer well ahead of the 15-day expiration date to be on the safe side.

Though you can simply respond to the Summons and Complaint with a brief Answer that denies the debt is yours or denies the debt is accurate, it is in your interest to respond to the litigation with an Answer that addresses every single allegation raised in the complaint. This is also your opportunity to assert affirmative defenses applicable to your case. Once your Answer is ready, it is necessary to file your Answer with the court and also with the plaintiff through Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested so you have proof of service. Here is a closer look at each of the steps that constitute the response to debt collection litigation in the form of an official Answer.

Below, we outline four steps you should take to respond to a Louisiana Summons for debt, aka a Petition.

Step 1: Create the Answer

The most important step toward winning your debt collection lawsuit is filing a detailed Answer with the court. If this document provides sufficient detail and addresses each of the accusations made in the Summons and Complaint, there is a chance opposing counsel will not put up much of a fight or any fight at all when you eventually file a Motion to Dismiss with the court. It is also possible your informative response will convince opposing counsel to pursue settlement negotiations in which you settle the debt for significantly less than the amount listed in the Summons and Complaint.

Though the court will certainly accept a handwritten Answer, sending an audio tape or digital file containing your Answer will not prove acceptable. When in doubt, err on the side of being overly formal. Type your Answer in a word processing document, print it out and sign it. This polished approach is better than writing out your Answer with pen and paper. The judge presiding over your case will be more sympathetic to your cause if you invest the time and effort to type your Answer rather than write it out by hand on loose-leaf paper.

Your Answer should have the following “styling” information at the top of the document:

  • Your full name and address
  • The name of the plaintiff (opposing attorney) and their client (the creditor)
  • The court's name and information including whether it is a state or city court
  • The court's address

Do not forget to include the specific case information including:

  • Index number
  • Case number
  • Amount of money allegedly owed as listed in the Summons and Complaint

Once this information is added to the top of the Answer, it is time to provide your formal written rebuttal to the accusations made in the Summons & Complaint.

Step 2: Answer Each Complaint Accusation

Do not be intimidated by the process of formally answering the Complaint.Take some time to read over all of the details presented in the Complaint's numbered paragraphs. If the accusations made in these paragraphs are incorrect, respond with “Deny.” If the accusation is completely truthful, respond with “Admit.”

However, there is a good chance you will not know if all of the allegations in the Complaint are fully accurate. If this is the case, respond to those paragraphs with “Defendant denies the allegation for lack of knowledge sufficient to know the truth or falsity thereof. These responses should correspond to their numbered paragraphs for clarity's sake. When in doubt, err on the side of denial. As attorneys often say, “Deny everything.” Do not lose sight of the fact that you can always amend your Answer or alter your strategy at a court hearing after the initial Answer is filed.

Some debtors' attorneys advise responding with an Answer that is a general denial. This approach denies everything set forth within the Complaint, essentially putting the ball in the opposing attorney's court, forcing them to prove the allegations contained in the Complaint.

Step 3: Assert Your Affirmative Defenses

Affirmative defenses are fancy legal terms that boil down to the many possible reasons why the plaintiff (creditor) suing you does not have a solid argument. Every potentially applicable affirmative defense should be listed in the Answer, even if you are not completely certain they pertain to your unique Complaint. Some common affirmative defenses include but are not limited to the following:

  • The debt has already been paid
  • The debt has been excused
  • Part of the debt has been paid
  • The defendant is a co-signer yet was not informed of his or her rights as a co-signer
  • The account named in the Summons and Complaint is not the defendant's account

The statute of limitations on debt collection in Louisiana can also be used as an affirmative defense if it expired prior to the service of the Summons and Complaint. As an example, the statute of limitations on debt collection in Louisiana for unpaid credit cards is three years. Once this period of time passes, the debt can no longer be pursued in court due to its age.

Step 4: File the Answer

It is not enough to simply pop your Answer in an envelope, slap a stamp on the outside and drop it off in a mailbox for delivery to the court. It is important to make several copies of this important legal document before sending it. Retain a copy for your records. Send another copy to the plaintiff's attorney. Be sure to include the court's address as well as opposing counsel's address and the creditor's address at the bottom of the answer. Send the Answer Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested so you are provided with proof it was actually delivered.

Need help finding your court's mailing address? SoloSuit can help with that.

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Settle debt in Louisiana

When you settle debt, you and the creditor agree on a sum of money that’s less than the original debt amount. And when you pay that money, the account is closed. Both creditors and debtors can initiate settlements, although most of the time, it’s up to you to start the process.

If a creditor is pursuing you for a debt — and especially if they’ve already filed a lawsuit against you — they probably aren’t going to decide they’re going to settle with you instead.

You don’t have to wait for a creditor to sue you to start negotiating a settlement, but many people don’t start thinking about settling until they learn they’re being sued. If you think that settling a debt is the right course of action for you, take a closer look at the three key steps you should take to settle debt in Louisiana.

Respond to the lawsuit

Understanding the legal system when it comes to debt can be confusing. Too many Louisiana residents make the mistake of thinking that if they intend to settle, they don’t have to do anything when they get notice that they’re being sued.

But lawsuits aren’t something you can just ignore, and if you don’t respond by the deadline, you’ll automatically lose. If you use SoloSuit to format and send your Answer letter, responding can be quick and simple.

Start negotiating

Negotiating with your creditors can be stressful. It’s easy to build up debt collectors in your mind as being scary adversaries, but when it comes to settling, remember that you both want the same thing: to decide on a sum that works for both of you.

To make sure the negotiation process goes as smoothly as possible, you should first take the time to plan out how much you can pay. A collector will almost never jump at your first offer, so it can be helpful to have a range in mind.

Typically, you’ll want to open negotiations by offering to pay 60% of the debt. But if you feel confident, you can start by offering something slightly less.

Once you know how much you can afford to pay, you can send the creditor or collector your first offer. They’ll likely counteroffer, and negotiation can take some time. It’s a bit like haggling over the price of a chair at a yard sale — the stakes are just a lot higher!

You can negotiate with creditors and collectors on your own if you wish. However, SoloSuit can also do the negotiating for you. When you use SoloSettle, we deal with the collector so that you don’t have to.

Ready to settle? Send an offer to your creditor or debt collector.

Get the agreement in writing

Once you’ve reached an agreement, the difficult part is over. But you aren’t finished just yet!

Never send any money until you have your agreement in writing. The agreement should outline the settlement amount, how you will pay, and when it’s due. It also should clarify that by accepting the settlement amount, the creditor is waiving their right to come after you for the remainder of the original debt.

The video below gives tips and tricks from a debt lawyer on how to negotiate debt settlement:

The Louisiana statute of limitations on debt collection protects consumers

Many people see that they’re being sued for a debt and instantly rush to pay it. While it’s important to send your Answer promptly after receiving a Summons and Complaint, you should take time to weigh your options before rushing into action. One of the most important things to look into is the statute of limitations on debt.

Each state has its own statute of limitations on debt. When the statute runs out, a creditor can no longer pursue legal action to collect. This means that creditors will often try to sue you when the statute of limitations is close to running out.

The table below outlines the Louisiana statute of limitations on debt for various kinds of debts:

Statute of Limitations on Debt in Louisiana

Debt Type Deadline
Credit Card 3 years
Student Loan 3 years
Auto Loan 3 years
Mortgage 3 years
Personal Loan 3 years
Medical 10 years
Judgment 10 years
Source: La. Civ. Code art. 3494, 3499, 3501

Let's consider the example of Jose. Jose has a credit card debt with Capital One. The last time he made a payment on the debt was 4 years ago. If Capital One sues him for a debt, then they are violating the statute of limitations. But that doesn't matter unless Jose brings it up in his Answer as an affirmative defense. Jose needs to tell the court in his Answer that the statute of limitations has passed so Capital One can no longer collect. #SorryNotSorry

It’s important to note that just as they can almost everywhere else, judgments can be renewed in Louisiana. If the creditor files a motion with the appropriate court before the statute of limitations ends, the judgment can be renewed for another 10 years.

Understand Louisiana's prescriptive statute of limitations

In most states, the statute of limitations starts from the last payment made on an account. The only way it can be interrupted is if the debtor makes another payment. Otherwise, it continues until time runs out.

However, Louisiana has what’s known as a “prescriptive” statute of limitations. This means that it pauses when a lawsuit is appropriately filed. If the case is dismissed, it’s assumed that the statute of limitations has been counting down throughout the lawsuit.

Additional Louisiana debt collection laws provide further protection

If you’re dealing with debt collectors, it can be tempting to accept their terms quickly, especially if you feel pressured to do so. But whether you’re facing a lawsuit or just getting contacted by a collector, it’s a good idea to have a basic understanding of your rights under Louisiana debt collection laws to ensure you’re treated fairly whenever you communicate with collectors.

You are protected on both a state and federal level

The primary debt collection law in the state is the Louisiana Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, the state’s version of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). This law is detailed, but its provisions all have one central goal: to prevent debt collectors from taking advantage of consumers by using deceptive, dishonest, defamatory, or abusive strategies in an effort to collect debts.

You don’t have to pay certain costs

Louisiana also has additional protections for consumers. Under state law, if you owe money to a creditor and the creditor hires a collection agency to help collect the debt, the creditor cannot make you pay for the cost of collection.

Similarly, if you have a contract — like a credit card agreement — that says you must pay attorneys’ fees to the creditor if they have to hire a lawyer to collect, those fees can’t be more than 25% of the total value of the debt.

How to get debt relief in Louisiana

Whether you have debt from credit cards, personal loans, student loans, medical bills, or other sources, it’s easy to start to feel buried. However, if you’re determined — and willing to fill out an application or two — there’s a good chance that you can find relief from at least a portion of your debts.

Try an assistance program

You might not be able to snap your fingers and make all of your debt vanish, but any amount of debt relief will make your life easier. Some state programs that might help include:

Don’t worry if you don’t qualify for these programs — there are still other effective strategies that can help.

Create your own paydown strategy

Whether you’ve found some debt relief or not, having a plan in place always helps. It’s easy to see your debt as a mountain you can’t possibly tackle. But when you break it down and plan out exactly how you’re going to repay it, everything starts to become more manageable.

You can design a strategy however you like, but here are two common examples:

  • The Snowball Strategy: Start by paying your smallest debts and then move on to bigger debts.
  • The Avalanche Strategy: Start by paying your high-interest debts and then move to low-interest debts.

It might take a long time to repay everything, but any progress is good progress. Celebrate your victories along the way!

Consider applying for a debt consolidation loan

Not everyone can qualify for a debt consolidation loan. However, if your credit score is at least fairly decent, this is a possible option. With this kind of loan, you can roll multiple high-interest debts like credit cards into a single monthly payment.

If you go this route, make sure to take your time looking. It’s very important to verify that the loan has a lower interest rate than the debts you’re trying to consolidate. Otherwise, you’ll just end up paying more over time.

Consider a HELOC or home equity loan

If you own your home, you may be able to use it to help you pay down your debt. Home equity lines of credit (HELOCs) and home equity loans are both secured by your home, and like most secured debts, they tend to have much lower interest rates than unsecured debts like credit cards.

However, the fact that they’re secured means that you should look closely at your finances before deciding whether to choose a HELOC or home equity loan. For instance, if you are unable to continue making payments, your creditor will be able to take and sell your home to recover the rest of your debt.

Stop wage garnishment in Louisiana

Settling a lawsuit before you have a judgment against you can be a smart move. However, if you’re already facing wage garnishment, you can’t just go back in time! Here’s what you need to know about wage garnishment in Louisiana.

Know your rights as a consumer

If your wages are being garnished, the good news is that a creditor may not take all of your wages. Under state law, the maximum amount of weekly wage garnishment must be the lesser of these two:

  • Your disposable income left after subtracting 30 times the federal minimum wage ($7.25)
  • 25% of your disposable income

It’s important to understand that “disposable” income isn’t the money you have left after paying your essential expenses. It just refers to the income that remains after you subtract all applicable taxes.

Understand your options

Unfortunately, it is tricky to stop wage garnishment in Louisiana. In limited cases, an attorney may be able to help you appeal a garnishment, but appeals are typically not successful. In most cases, the only ways to stop a garnishment are to pay what you owe in full or file for bankruptcy.

It’s generally best not to file for bankruptcy to get out of a garnishment, however. Bankruptcy can get rid of many of your debts, but it also causes credit damage and can make it very difficult to secure any kind of credit or even find a place to live for several years.

Instead, the best way to stop wage garnishment is to prevent it in the first place. You can do this by responding promptly to a debt collector and exploring settlement options.

Check the status of your court case in Louisiana

If you’ve been sued for a debt in Louisiana, the first thing you should do is send an Answer letter. The next thing you should do is make sure you keep track of your court case. Even if you do everything else right, missing even a single hearing or deadline can mean that you lose the case by default.

Need to respond to a lawsuit notice? Let SoloSuit help you send your Answer!

Why is tracking your case important?

When you lose a case by default, the court will almost always enter a default judgment against you — and this is something you absolutely want to avoid. If the court issues a judgment, it doesn’t just order you to pay the debt. A judgment gives the creditor collection tools that they wouldn’t otherwise have.

For instance, they’ll be able to garnish your wages, take money out of your bank account, and sometimes even sell your property to pay for the debt.

  • Access your court records online: Keeping track of your court case and all of its deadlines is essential if you want to avoid a judgment. Unfortunately, Louisiana doesn’t make this easy. Many states allow you to access court records online, but only 16 out of 64 parishes in Louisiana let you do this.

  • Visit your local courthouse: In most cases, you will need to visit your local courthouse in person. You can look up your Parish Court location online. When you visit, the clerk should be able to give you your case number. They might charge a fee to give you a copy of your records.

Each of the 50 states has a minimum of one government-assisted organization that provides no-cost legal services to residents. Louisiana has two such organizations:

Southeast Louisiana Legal Services Corporation
1340 Poydras St. Ste. 600
New Orleans, LA 70112
(800) 349-0886

Acadiana Legal Service Corporation
1020 Surrey Street
P.O. Box 4823
Lafayette, LA 70502
(800) 256-1175

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Key Takeaways

In summary, here is a brief synopsis of how to properly answer the Summons and Complaint you were served with for your debt collection in Louisiana:

Deadline to file an Answer in Louisiana: 15 days

Steps to fight the litigation:

  1. Create the Answer
  2. Respond to the allegations made in the Complaint by individually addressing each in your Answer
  3. Assert affirmative defenses as appropriate to each of the allegations made in the Complaint
  4. Serve the Answer to opposing counsel and file it with the court through Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested

How to Answer a Summons for debt collection in all 50 states

Here's a list of guides on how to respond to a debt collection lawsuit in each state:

The Ultimate 50 State Guide

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Guides on arbitration

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Below are some resources on how to use an arbitration clause to your advantage and win a debt lawsuit.

Stop calls from debt collectors

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Federal debt collection laws can protect you

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Get debt relief in your state

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Statute of limitations on debt state guides

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Statute of Limitations on Debt Collection by State (Best Guide)

Check the status of your court case

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How to stop wage garnishment in your state

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How to settle a debt in your state

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How to settle with every debt collector

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