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How to Answer a Summons for Debt Collection in Ohio (2024 Guide)

Hannah Locklear | June 28, 2024

Hannah Locklear
Editor at SoloSuit
Hannah Locklear, BA

Hannah Locklear is SoloSuit’s Marketing and Impact Manager. With an educational background in Linguistics, Spanish, and International Development from Brigham Young University, Hannah has also worked as a legal support specialist for several years.

Fact-checked by George Simons, JD/MBA

George Simons
Co-Founder of SoloSuit
George Simons, JD/MBA

George Simons is the co-founder and CEO of SoloSuit. He has helped Americans protect over $1 billion from predatory debt lawsuits. George graduated from BYU Law school in 2020 with a JD/MBA. In his spare time, George likes to cook, because he likes to eat.

Summary: You have 28 days to respond to a debt collection lawsuit in Ohio, and there is no fee to file. Be sure to check the statute of limitations on your debt before responding to a debt collector. Use SoloSuit to draft and file your Answer in just 15 minutes.

"Man, I can't wait for this collector to sue me already!" — said no one.

No one enjoys getting sued for debt. If you are sued, you must take legal measures to protect yourself. Ensure that you open and read all court documents that the plaintiff's attorney sent to you. Do not ignore these documents or the Summons and Complaint itself.

This article makes responding to a debt lawsuit easier and tells you how to answer a Summons for debt collection in Ohio. This includes information specific to filing in Ohio, like Ohio deadlines and forms.

Let's get right to it.

Respond to a Summons in Ohio.

Sued for debt in Ohio? SoloSuit can help you file an Answer into your case before the 28-day deadline.

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Table of Contents

Ohio deadline for Answering a debt collection Summons

You have 28 days to respond to a debt collection Summons in Ohio.

Under Ohio's Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 12(a)(1) states:

“Generally. The defendant shall serve his answer within twenty-eight days after service of the summons and complaint upon him; if service of notice has been made by publication, he shall serve his answer within twenty-eight days after the completion of service by publication.”

In other words, you have 28 calendar days, not business days, from the day you received the Summons. If the 28th day is on a weekend or national holiday, make sure your Answer is filed no later than the last business day before the deadline.

You mustn't miss this deadline. Failure to file an Answer will lead to a default judgment against you. With a default judgment granted, creditors and debt collectors can garnish your wages, seize your property, and even freeze your bank account.

If you want the opportunity to argue your case in court, you must respond to the Summons within the 28-day time frame. Don't put off filing your Answer until the last minute. You should allow a few extra days in case there are complications.

You should also file an Answer and appear in court if you want to make a case against garnishment if a judgment against you has already been granted.

Ohio Answer to Summons forms

The fastest way to create an Answer to a Summons and Complaint in Ohio is to use SoloSuit's Answer form. This form is specifically formatted to fit the rules of Ohio state courts. To fill out the form, just respond to a series of questions about your case, and the SoloSuit software will generate a personalized Answer in under 15 minutes.

Here is a sample of SoloSuit's Answer form.

If you'd rather create an Answer on your own, here is a general Ohio Answer form you can use to respond. The basic format of Ohio's form is very similar to SoloSuit's form, but you have to fill in all the blanks by yourself. You can always fill this form out on your own, but using SoloSuit's form makes it easier to respond with the proper legal language and wording. If you live in Ashtabula County, use this form.

Your Answer has to be formatted a certain way and include specific information. Using one of the options above ensures you craft an Answer that meets the standards set forth by the Ohio court system. The information you include or exclude in your Answer will significantly impact the outcome of your case.

SoloSuit helps you create and file your Answer on your own.

Steps to respond to a debt collection case in Ohio

When you get sued for debt in Ohio, you should receive two documents, either by mail or in person, to begin the lawsuit. These documents are called the Summons and Complaint. The Summons notifies you of the lawsuit, while the Complaint lists the specific allegations (or claims) being made against you. Read them carefully and then take action to respond.

In Ohio, you must respond to a debt lawsuit within 28 days of receiving the Summons and Complaint. Follow these steps to Answer you debt collection case:

  1. Answer each claim listed in the Complaint.
  2. Assert your affirmative defenses.
  3. File your Answer with the court, and send a copy to the plaintiff's attorney.

Below, we break down each of these steps in detail. Don't like reading? Watch this video to learn more about these three steps instead:

1. Answer each claim listed in the Complaint

Developing the Answer to the Complaint can be daunting, but it will be easy as pie with Solosuit and these simple tips.

The first section of your Answer document should focus on responding to each claim that is listed in the Complaint document. The plaintiff's Complaint will be formulated as a series of numbered paragraphs, and each paragraph is a separate claim. Read each paragraph carefully, and determine how you want to respond. Here are the three ways you can respond to each claim:

  1. Admit—this is like saying, “This is true.”
  2. Deny—this is like saying, “Prove it.”
  3. Deny due to lack of knowledge—this is like saying, “I don't know.”

Many attorneys recommend making a general denial, where you deny everything in the Complaint and force the other side to prove everything. When you get sued for debt, the burden of proof is on the plaintiff or the person/company suing you. Denying their claims forces them to prove their case, and if they don't have the necessary documents or evidence to do so, the case might get thrown out altogether.

In some states, you may need to let the court know if you want a court trial or a jury trial. You can also include a counterclaim with your Answer if you feel like your rights under the FDCPA have been violated..

You can use SoloSuit's Answer form to respond to your debt lawsuit in just 15 minutes.

2. Assert your affirmative defenses

After you've responded to each claim listed on the Complaint, you're ready to move on to the next section of your Answer document—where you assert your affirmative defenses. "Affirmative defenses" are legal reasons the case should be dismissed either fully or partially. You can use your defenses to show that the plaintiff doesn't have a case or that the remedy they are seeking is unreasonable or inaccurate. Wrongdoing by the plaintiff may also be an appropriate defense.

Some of the most common affirmative defenses used in debt collection lawsuits include:

  • You are not the owner or a cosigner on the account, and the lawsuit is in error.
  • The contract was canceled before goods or services were delivered.
  • The statute of limitations, or how long a creditor has to file a suit, has expired.
  • You have proof that the debt was paid in part or in full or excused by the creditor.
  • You were not informed of your rights and responsibilities as a cosigner.
  • You did not agree to the contract or debt, such as identity theft or scams.

You should steer clear of a few defenses, including an inability to pay the debt, dissatisfaction with the product or services provided, or personal situations that affect finances, such as divorce.

If you feel you are entitled to compensation for wrongdoing by the plaintiff, you will make these claims as a counterclaim in your Answer. The provided form has sections for counterclaims. If developing your own Answer document, you would make counterclaims after your affirmative defenses.

3. File the Answer with the court, and send a copy to the plaintiff's attorney

Remember, you have 28 days to file your Answer with the court before you lose by default. Don't let filing your Answer be one of those things that falls through the cracks. If you need to, set a reminder on your smartphone so that you remember to file in time

You can file your Answer in person or by certified or express mail. Some courts also accept electronic filing online, meaning you don't even have to leave your house to file your Answer. It is generally recommended to file in person with the court clerk so that if there are any issues with your Answer, you can address them before the deadline.

After you've filed your Answer with the court, make a copy of it and send it to the plaintiff's attorneys. “Plaintiff” is just the fancy, legal term for the person suing you. So in other words, be sure to serve the attorneys that are representing the creditor or debt collector that is suing you before the deadline as well.

SoloSuit can file your Answer for you in all 50 states.

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Check the statute of limitations on debt in Ohio

The statute of limitations is the deadline or expiration date on your debt. Each state has a unique law for the statute of limitations that determines how many years a collector can collect on the debt. Once the statute of limitations on a debt has expired, collectors no longer have grounds to sue for that debt.

In Ohio, the statute of limitations on credit card debt is six years, according to Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure Section 2305.06. Likewise, Ohio’s statute of limitations for medical debt, auto loan debt, student loan debt, and personal loan debt is also six years. This means that debt collectors have only six years from the last payment on an account to sue someone for a debt they owe.

However, even if the statute of limitations has expired on your debt, collectors can still file a lawsuit against you. It’s your job to stand up for your rights and bring up the Ohio statute in order to protect yourself in court. If you can prove that the debt is past the statute of limitations, the case should be dismissed.

The table below lists the statute of limitations on different types of debt in Ohio.

Statute of Limitations on Debt in Ohio

Debt Type Deadline
Credit Card 6 years
Medical 6 years
Student Loan 6 years
Auto Loan 6 years
Personal Loan 6 years
Judgment 10 years
Mortgage 21 years
Source: Ohio Rev. Code § 2305.04/.06, and § 2325.18

The table below lists the statute of limitations on different types of debt in Ohio.

The statute of limitations clock starts when the last action is made on an account. This includes payments, making a payment plan on an account, or acknowledging the debt is owed. So, before you make any payments to a debt collector, or admit to owing a debt, check your state's statute of limitations.

Let's consider an example.

Example: Willy has a credit card debt in Ohio, and the last time he made a payment towards the debt was eight years ago. A debt collector tries to sue him for the debt, but the statute of limitations has expired. Willy uses SoloSuit to draft and file his Answer. In his Answer document, he uses the expired statute of limitations as one of his affirmative defenses. After a few weeks, Willy finds out that the debt collector has dismissed the case voluntarily.

Debt collection laws in Ohio keep debt collectors in check

Debt collectors in Ohio must abide by the Ohio Revised Code Section 1321.45. These laws ensure that they do not take advantage of or cause harm to consumers in their effort to get their money. The laws state that debt collectors should not:

  • Fail to identify themselves when they contact you
  • Call your coworkers, employer, family, or friends to tell them about your debt
  • Communicate with you through postcards
  • Add any information on the envelope of a letter to show that it is for debt collection
  • Communicate with you once you refer them to your attorney
  • Phone you before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m.
  • Call you while at work if your employer is against such communication
  • Contact you after you send a valid cease and desist letter unless they are informing you of a lawsuit they want to take against you
  • Use profanity, abusive, or demeaning language when interacting with you
  • Mislead you to believe they work for the government or they are an attorney

While Ohio debt collection laws protect consumers, they also favor creditors and collectors and support their efforts to collect money that consumers genuinely owe to them.

For example, the law allows debt collectors to contact you for a debt you owe, inform you of more severe legal action they are going to take if you don't pay (but it must be the truth and not a threat), and send you debt collection notices regarding the debt you owe and how you should pay. So, before you start paying the debt, send a Debt Validation Letter to ensure the debt is yours and the amount is correct.

In addition to Ohio’s revised Codes, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) also offers you protection from unfair business practices by Ohio debt collectors. The laws are similar to those in Ohio state laws with limited variation. Under the FDCPA, if a creditor violates these laws, you can file a legal action against them and can potentially receive $1,000 in damages. The debt collector may also be ordered to pay your attorney fees and other legal costs. Learn how to file a complaint with the FDCPA to protect your consumer rights.

Let's take a closer look at the FDCPA and the way it protects consumers.

The FDCPA can protect you from abusive debt collectors

It is important to know that, even though the law prevents lawsuits for debts that are past the statute of limitations, debt collectors will still try to sue you for them. The consumer must bring the problem of the debt's age to the court's attention to have the action dismissed.

However, the legislation makes identifying whether debts are time-barred much easier. Previously, the statute of limitations fluctuated from four to fifteen years, depending on the debt.

The clock starts when you stop making payments on the debt to calculate the time left in debt for the statute of limitations. Each payment you make restarts the clock, and the debt becomes legitimate again for the statute of limitations period.

In most circumstances, debt collectors cannot continue collecting on a debt older than the statute of limitations, even though you still owe the money. Because the money is still outstanding, failure to pay off the debt might hurt your credit score.

You cannot, however, be legally compelled to pay the debt. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) makes it illegal for a collector to harass you about an old debt.

The FDCPA protects consumers from unfair debt collection practices. Some protections provided include:

  • Debt collectors cannot contact consumers outside the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
  • Debt collectors cannot contact you at your place of work if they have been notified that your employer does not allow such communication.
  • Communication with third parties is limited to the consumer's attorney or credit reporting bureaus unless the consumer gives express permission for the debt collector to do so.
  • If a debt collector receives written notice that the consumer does not intend to pay the debt and asks that collection efforts cease, the debt collector cannot continue to contact the consumer except in limited circumstances.
  • Debt collectors cannot use obscene or profane language in an attempt to collect a debt.
  • A debt collector cannot repeatedly call in a harassing or abusive manner.

You may sue and collect statutory damages if a debt collector violates the legislation. If creditors are harassing you for an old debt, contact an experienced attorney who can help you file a lawsuit or counterclaim and manage the damages you are owed.

Ohio garnishment laws — what they say

Even though Ohio garnishment laws appear to favor creditors, some clauses protect a percentage of your income to ensure you can still provide for yourself and your family. Wage garnishment gives the debt collector the right to take a portion of your income in payment for an outstanding debt.

A creditor can only garnish your wage when they sue you and win the case. Afterward, they file for a Writ of Garnishment. If it goes through, they will receive a garnishment order, and they must send a notice for garnishment to you and your employer. However, outstanding taxes, child support, and student loans do not require a court garnishment order to be deducted from your income.

Fortunately, federal law and Ohio Revised Code set limits on wage garnishment. According to these laws, creditors and debt collectors can only garnish the lesser between:

  • 25% of your disposable income or;
  • The amount that exceeds thirty times the federal minimum wage per hour ($7.25)

The disposable income is the amount that remains after mandatory deductions and taxes have been subtracted.

The amount garnished for debt in Ohio is not standard for all other debts. For example, if you have a child support order in place, they can cut up to 50% of your disposable income. For student loans, an administrative order gives them permission to garnish up to 15% of your income.

Ohio garnishment laws prevent an employer from firing you because you have a debt garnishment order in place. However, this protective cover ends if you receive more than one debt garnishment order.

With these laws in mind, let’s dive into how to stop wage garnishment in Ohio or prevent it from happening in the first place.

Stop wage garnishment in Ohio

After understanding when a creditor can garnish your wages and how much they are permitted to take, it is time to stop the garnishment process. Consider doing so if you believe the garnishment order will prevent you from meeting your basic needs or if the order violates a law that protects a portion of your income. The following are three ways to stop wage garnishment in Ohio:

  • Object to the wage garnishment: This entails requesting for a hearing to contest the garnishment. You do this by filing a written objection with the courthouse that gave the order. Once the court agrees to give you a hearing, present your evidence to support the claim you made while filing for objection. Afterward, wait for the court to give its judgment when it may remove or adjust the garnishment order.

  • File a claim of exemption: In this option, you want the judge to exempt a portion of your income from being garnished. Reasons you can give include you are the head of the home and your income supports the family, your earnings fall below the federal poverty line, the debt collector wants to take more than they should, and your wages qualify for public benefits exemptions.

  • File for bankruptcy: Although it should be the very last resort, filing for bankruptcy can help you start afresh if you have no means to pay your debts and a garnishment order. You have two options to choose from: Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

Did you know you can stop a garnishment order by settling the debt for less than you owe? The garnishment order takes a lot of time and energy, and most creditors would rather get a portion of their money and end the process. Learn about the amount you should offer for settlement as you consider this option.

Below, we explore some of the fastest steps to take to settle your debt in Ohio.

Settle your debt lawsuit in Ohio

Settling debt after receiving a debt collection lawsuit can help you salvage an almost devastating financial situation. Creditors often welcome the idea if you play your cards right. The following are the steps to help you settle debt in Ohio and request a case dismissal as a part of the debt settlement agreement:

  1. Respond to the lawsuit with an Answer before the deadline. In Ohio, the deadline to respond to a lawsuit is 28 days. Filing an Answer allows you to give your side of the story. Use the Summons and Complaint documents to draft your Answer. The Complaint lists all the claims the creditor has against you. In your Answer, you should address each claim and deny any applicable to push the plaintiff to prove their case. Next, you must list the affirmative defenses that will help build your case.

  2. Make a settlement offer and negotiate with the creditor until you reach a reasonable settlement deal. Make sure your offer is in good-faith and that you’re honest about your financial situation. Some creditors investigate to confirm if the reason for nonpayment is legitimate, and others (like banks or credit unions) already have access to your financials and know how much you can afford to settle.

  3. Have the settlement agreement in writing to avoid receiving another lawsuit for the same debt if the creditor goes back on their word or some internal mixup of records occurs and they attempt to collect again. As part of the debt settlement agreement, you should request that any pending lawsuits be dismissed.

Make an offer to settle your debt.

United Settlement, New Era Debt Solution, and Apprisen are some good debt settlement companies in Ohio that you might consider using. However, it may take some time to get results if you are on a timeline while dealing with a pending court hearing. Or, if you want to have more control over the debt settlement process, consider using SoloSettle.

To learn more about the three steps listed above, check out this video:

How to get debt relief in Ohio

Ohio offers multiple relief programs that can directly help you pay off your debts or indirectly by providing you with the necessities you require to stay afloat. The following are programs that help those who qualify receive or pay for basic items like food, shelter, utilities, and health care:

To qualify for these programs, you must have a bank balance of below a certain amount (more often less than $2,000) and must have an income below a certain amount for every category you are in. For example, a household with two people must have an income of less than $21, 983.

If you have some money saved up or have a sustainable income, debt relief involves using strategies that can help you pay off your debts. For instance, use the snowball strategy to clear the smallest debt first as you move to the next smallest. But you continue making the minimum payment for the other debts. The opposite approach is the avalanche method, in which you pay the largest debt first. You can also consolidate your debt. This means you get a new loan that has a better interest rate to pay off all the other debts you have and remain with this single debt to pay.

Ohio legal aid organizations

Every state has at least one government-funded organization that provides free legal services to people. Ohio has several. You can contact these legal services for help with debt collection lawsuits if you cannot afford an attorney to represent you.

Each agency will have certain requirements for its free or discounted legal services. You will need to contact the agencies or visit their website for details to learn if they will help with your particular case.

Here are the legal aid agencies available in Ohio:

Community Legal Aid Services, Inc.
50 South Main Street
Akron, OH 44308
(866) 584-2350

Legal Aid of Western Ohio, Inc.
525 Jefferson Avenue, Suite 400
Toledo, OH 43604
(877) 894-4599

The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland
1223 West Sixth Street
Cleveland, OH 44113
(216) 687-1900

Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati
215 East Ninth Street, Suite 200
Cincinnati, OH 45202
(800) 582-2682

Ohio State Legal Services
1108 City Park Avenue, Suite 200
Columbus, OH 43206
(800) 589-5888

Some legal aid services are provided by geographical area. If there is a legal aid organization in your city, start searching for a pro bono attorney. If you contact an agency that cannot help you because of your primary address, they should be able to refer you to the right agency for your area.

Whether big or small, every creditor working to collect a debt must adhere to Ohio's Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. If you believe a creditor has violated these guidelines, talk to the attorney about a counterclaim in your Answer and how to file an official complaint against the creditor. You can also take steps to keep them from calling and harassing you from different phone numbers during the process.

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Free legal aid in Marion, Ohio

Sometimes, you may be low on cash and need to consult a legal professional regarding your debt collection case. Fortunately, there are diverse programs and clinics with free legal aid in Marion for its residents in the low-income bracket. The services you may qualify to receive are:

  • Low-cost consumer credit counseling
  • Access to workshops, online help, or helpline numbers
  • Assistance in creating a debt repayment plan
  • Receive advice on negotiating settlement
  • Attorney representation

An example of a reputable free legal aid society is the Legal Aid Society of Columbus, Marion Office. It offers assistance concerning various legal matters, such as educating, representing, and advocating for justice and fairness.

When searching for a credit counseling agency, you must first ensure they are accredited by the International Organization for Standardization or the Council on Accreditation (COA). For instance, you can use any of the Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS) agencies in Marion. These agencies are accredited by the COA and are active members of the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC). The counselor you work with should have been trained in offering services such as budgeting, credit calculation, debt management, consumer law, and bankruptcy matters.

Some legal professionals and counselors will discuss debt management as a way of handling your debts. They will encourage you to save some money to pay your creditors. Afterward, they will contact the creditors and ask them to waive your fees, adjust the payment plan, or reduce the interest rates.

File a Motion to Compel Arbitration

A Motion to Compel Arbitration can help keep your debt lawsuit out of court. The first step is ensuring that you have a valid arbitration agreement. These agreements usually exist in the initial contract you had with the original lender, so read yours carefully to see if it contains an arbitration clause.

Arbitration is a popular way to settle disputes outside of court. Arbitrators take an oath of fairness and impartiality, allowing you to present evidence supporting your side of the case. Many contractual agreements contain arbitration clauses, and using arbitration can save you from having to fight a debt collector in court.

Solosuit can help you craft a Motion to Compel Arbitration. Consider this example of how arbitration can be superior to a courtroom battle.

Example: Luis owes $7,000 in credit card debt. He could not pay the debt and stopped making payments 2 years ago. The credit card company filed a lawsuit against him, and Luis filed an Answer. He read his credit card agreement and found an arbitration clause. Luis then filed a Motion to Compel Arbitration. In arbitration, Luis explained that he had only owed $2,500 in credit card debt when he lost his job and was unable to make payments. He had contacted the credit card company at the time to ask for an extension. Instead, he was hit with the highest penalty interest rate allowed by law, late fees, and other assorted fees that continued to snowball the debt. In arbitration, both sides agreed to settle the debt for the original $2,500 that Luis owed. Both sides avoided the legal fees associated with a lawsuit, and both were satisfied with the results of the arbitration.

What is a certificate of judgment in Ohio?

A certificate of judgment grants the creditor permission to collect a debt owed through the court where the case was heard. The document seals the judgment the court gave, which is captured in Section 2329.07.02 or 2329.04 of the Ohio revised code. Afterward, you are required to pay the creditor the amount listed in the judgment. If you fail to pay, they have the legal right to put a lien on your property.

To get a certificate of judgment in Ohio, the debt collector should have won the debt collection case and later filed for a certificate of judgment if you failed to pay part or the entire debt within a specified period. The document can only be issued by the court that heard the case. It’s the court clerk who prepares the certificate, which will enable the creditor to create the lien on your property. In Ohio, a creditor can take your automobile, home, or other applicable assets with a certificate of judgment.

If you live outside the state of Ohio, the certificate of judgment still applies. However, the court clerk from the court where the certificate was issued will put an official seal on the document, allowing you to transfer the order from that court to another one. The creditor will then apply for an examination hearing in the new state using the following document:

  • Notice of examination which identifies you as the debtor
  • An Affidavit for enforcement request, which outlines the debt information from the court order from Ohio court
  • Certificate of judgment

After submitting these documents, a hearing date will be set. The creditor must send you the notice of examination. They will then file the affidavit of service at least three days before the examination hearing. Ensure you appear in court to explain your situation to the judge. If the order doesn’t change, the certificate of judgment will be issued in the new state, and you must make the debt payments, or the creditor will take your property.

Avoid a judgment. File an Answer into your case and stand up for your rights.

File an Answer in your local Ohio court

Don't delay. Find your local court below to start the process of drafting and filing an Answer in your Ohio debt collection lawsuit.

Key takeaways

This article has a lot of information, so let's summarize what you need to do to respond to your Summons for debt collection in Ohio.

  • You have 28 days to respond to a debt collection lawsuit in Ohio.
  • You should respond to the lawsuit by filing an Answer document with the court where you reply to each claim listed in the Complaint and assert your affirmative defenses.
  • SoloSuit can help you draft and file an Answer to your debt lawsuit in just 15 minutes.
  • Don't forget to make a copy of your Answer and send it to the plaintiff's attorney.
  • The statute of limitations on most types of debt in Ohio is six years.
  • Ohio has legal aid organizations that can help you if you cannot afford an attorney.

Once the case is disposed of and judgment has been made, you can begin working on rebuilding your credit after a debt lawsuit.

Good Luck!

>>Read the FastCompany article: Debt Lawsuits Are Complicated: This Website Makes Them Simpler To Navigate

>>Read the NPR story on SoloSuit. (We can help you in all 50 states.)

How to Answer a Summons for debt collection in all 50 states

Here's a list of guides on how to respond to a debt collection lawsuit in each state:

The Ultimate 50 State Guide

Guides on how to resolve debt with every debt collector

Are you being sued by a debt collector? We’re making guides on how to resolve debt with each one.

Resolve your debt with your creditor

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Settle your medical debt

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Guides on arbitration

If the thought of going to court stresses you out, you’re not alone. Many Americans who are sued for credit card debt utilize a Motion to Compel Arbitration to push their case out of court and into arbitration.

Below are some resources on how to use an arbitration clause to your advantage and win a debt lawsuit.

Stop calls from debt collectors

Do you keep getting calls from an unknown number, only to realize that it’s a debt collector on the other line? If you’ve been called by any of the following numbers, chances are you have collectors coming after you, and we’ll tell you how to stop them.

Federal debt collection laws can protect you

Knowing your rights makes it easier to stand up for your rights. Below, we’ve compiled all our articles on federal debt collection laws that protect you from unfair practices.

Get debt relief in your state

We’ve created a specialized guide on how to find debt relief in all 50 states, complete with steps to take to find relief, state-specific resources, and more.

Debt collection laws in all 50 states

Debt collection laws vary by state, so we have compiled a guide to each state’s debt collection laws to make it easier for you to stand up for your rights—no matter where you live.

Statute of limitations on debt state guides

Like all debt collection laws, the statute of limitations on debt varies by state. So, we wrote a guide on each state’s statutes. Check it out below.

Statute of Limitations on Debt Collection by State (Best Guide)

Check the status of your court case

Don’t have time to go to your local courthouse to check the status of your case? We’ve created a guide on how to check the status of your case in every state, complete with online search tools and court directories.

How to stop wage garnishment in your state

Forgot to respond to your debt lawsuit? The judge may have ordered a default judgment against you, and with a default judgment, debt collectors can garnish your wages. Here are our guides on how to stop wage garnishment in all 50 states.

How to settle a debt in your state

Debt settlement is one of the most effective ways to resolve a debt and save money. We’ve created a guide on how to settle your debt in all 50 states. Find out how to settle in your state with a simple click and explore other debt settlement resources below.

How to settle with every debt collector

Not sure how to negotiate a debt settlement with a debt collector? We are creating guides to help you know how to start the settlement conversation and increase your chances of coming to an agreement with every debt collector.

Other debt settlement resources

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Civil law legal definitions

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