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5 Tips for Settling With Nelson and Kennard

Patrick Austin, J.D. | September 30, 2024

Patrick Austin
Attorney from George Mason
Patrick Austin, JD

Patrick Austin is a licensed attorney with a background in data privacy and information security law. Patrick received his law degree at George Mason University's Antonin Scalia Law School, where he served as the Editor-in-Chief for the National Security Law Journal.

Edited by Hannah Locklear

Hannah Locklear
Editor at SoloSuit
Hannah Locklear, BA

Hannah Locklear is SoloSuit’s Marketing and Impact Manager. With an educational background in Linguistics, Spanish, and International Development from Brigham Young University, Hannah has also worked as a legal support specialist for several years.

Summary: Here are five tips to settle debt with Nelson & Kennard: don't ignore debt collection notices, request debt validation, be proactive and make an offer to settle, be ready to negotiate, and get the settlement agreement in writing.

If you are being pursued by Nelson and Kennard - a debt collection law firm based in McClellan Park, California - for an unpaid debt, it is perfectly understandable if you are feeling overwhelmed and anxious about what to do next. An option worth consideration is engaging in settlement negotiations with the firm. By participating in settlement talks, you could actually get the debt collection firm to accept a significantly lower amount. The information contained on this page includes 5 tips for settling with Nelson and Kennard.

Sued by Nelson & Kennard? Settle it.

Settle debt with Nelson & Kennard

You can negotiate debt settlement at any stage of the collections process. SoloSettle makes it easy.

Settle with SoloSettle

What is Nelson and Kennard?

Nelson & Kennard is a debt collection law firm that employs lawyers who represent creditors, debt buyers, and third party collection agencies when they decide to take legal action to collect debts. It offers legal services throughout the United States and has office locations in California, Colorado, Massachusetts, New Mexico, and Hawaii.

Contact Nelson & Kennard

Ready to call Nelson & Kennard to negotiate debt settlement? Use the contact information below:

  • Phone: 866-920-2295
  • Email:
  • Address: 5011 Dudley Boulevard, Building 250 Bay G, McClellan, CA 95652

Use these 5 tips to settle debt with Nelson and Kennard

If you are receiving frequent phone calls and threatening letters from Nelson and Kennard, or you’ve been sued, then now is the time to consider what steps need to be taken to resolve the matter. An option to consider is trying to settle the debt with the firm. Below are 5 tips for settling with Nelson and Kennard.

If you feel overwhelmed at the prospect of engaging in settlement talks, consider using a smart tool to assist you with the debt settlement negotiation process. One such smart tool is SoloSettle, which is a software that sends and receives settlement offers for you until you can, hopefully, reach an agreement with the debt collector. Tools like this make it easier to negotiate a debt settlement on your own, which will help you both save money and resolve your debts.

Tip 1: Do not ignore debt collection letters or a debt collection lawsuit

If you are receiving debt collection letters, or were served with a Summons and Complaint linked to a debt collection lawsuit, do not ignore these communications. Failing to respond can have some harsh repercussions. For example, failing to respond to a debt collection lawsuit can result in a court entering a default judgment against you. Once a default judgment is entered, it authorizes Nelson and Kennard to pursue wage garnishment or file property liens.

Tip 2: Exercise your right to debt validation

The federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) empowers consumers to formally request that a debt collector validate the alleged amount owed. This can be accomplished by sending Nelson and Kennard a Debt Validation Letter. The objective of the letter is to assist consumers in determining whether a debt collector actually has the correct information about a purported unpaid debt. Once you send out a Debt Validation Letter, a debt collector is on the proverbial clock to send you the following information:

  • The specific amount you allegedly owe
  • The name and contact details of the original creditor, if the debt collector is a law firm or third-party debt collection agency
  • A statement advising you that you have 30 days to dispute the matter, in the event you do not agree with their response
  • A statement advising you that the debt collector will provide additional information, in the event you disagree with the debt

Tip 3: Be proactive and send an offer to settle

If it turns out the debt is valid, you should be proactive and send a settlement offer letter to Nelson and Kennard. Sending an initial settlement offer can help kick start the negotiation process. If you are wondering, “What amount should I offer to settle the debt?” Here is the answer - your initial settlement offer should generally be less than the maximum you can realistically pay. This is important because making a low opening offer provides room to negotiate with the debt collector.

Remember, never make a settlement offer that you cannot afford to pay. This means the amount you offer during settlement talks should be an amount you are prepared to pay as soon as the debt collector accepts. This means you need to plan ahead before getting on the phone with the debt collector, or sending a settlement offer letter. Invest some time in determining a target settlement amount.

For example, you could make an opening offer of around 50 percent of the amount owed. You may also want to consider making an offer using a non-round number. For example, consider offering $1,554.23 instead of $2,000. Why? Because the use of non-round numbers sends an implicit signal to the debt collector that you’ve thoroughly analyzed your finances and have determined an exact amount that you can afford.

Tip 4: Be prepared for counteroffers and negotiating a resolution

Once you send an opening settlement offer to Nelson and Kennard, do not be surprised, or disappointed, if the debt collection law firm rejects your initial offer. This is very common and part of the debt settlement process. Depending on your opening offer, you could very well get a response from Nelson and Kennard that contains a counteroffer. If a counteroffer is made, it is actually a positive sign, since it means the law firm is open to settlement negotiations.

Tip 5: Get the settlement agreement in writing

If settlement negotiations are successful and you reach an amicable agreement with the debt collection firm, make sure to get the specific terms of the settlement in writing. Either you can draft the settlement agreement, or request that Nelson and Kennard draft the agreement. If Nelson and Kennard draft the settlement agreement, make sure to review the specific terms and obligations closely. You should also make sure to sign the agreement and have a representative from Nelson and Kennard sign as well.

Once the agreement is memorialized, you can proceed with a Nelson and Kennard payment, which can be sent via mail or possibly through a payment portal or link provided by Nelson and Kennard.

In the following video, we interview a former debt collection attorney who shares inside, expert tips about how to negotiate with debt law offices like Nelson & Kennard and resolve your debt successfully:

Key Takeaways

If you are being deluged with debt collection letters and phone calls, or have been sued, by Nelson and Kennard, do not throw your hands up in despair. There are strategies to help resolve the situation. Here are the five steps you can take to settle debt with Nelson & Kennard:

  1. Don't ignore communications: Respond to letters or lawsuits to avoid default judgments, wage garnishment, or property liens.
  2. Request debt validation: Send a Debt Validation Letter to ensure the debt is accurate and legally collectible before engaging in settlement talks.
  3. Make a proactive settlement offer: Start negotiations with a realistic but lower offer (around 50%), ensuring the amount is something you can afford to pay.
  4. Prepare for counteroffers: Expect negotiation and be ready to adjust your offer based on their response.
  5. Get the agreement in writing: Once settled, ensure all terms are in writing and signed by both parties before making any payments.

For example, you can take proactive steps to try and settle the debt with Nelson and Kennard. Those steps include responding to their outreach, exercising your legal rights under the FDCPA, initiating settlement talks, engaging in negotiations, and - hopefully- reaching an amicable agreement that is memorialized in writing.

Settle with SoloSettle

Make an Offer

Read Law Office of Nelson and Kennard reviews

To learn more about Nelson and Kennard and how to work with its attorney, try reading some of its reviews online. Nelson and Kennard’s Yelp rating is only 1.2 stars out of 5.

Similarly, Nelson and Kenndard have a 1 star rating under the Better Business Bureau’s 5-star rating system. In addition, 14 complaints have been filed by consumers with the Better Business Bureau regarding the actions of Nelson and Kennard.

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Our Debt Validation Letter is the best way to respond to a collection letter. Many debt collectors will simply give up after receiving it.

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